Praise Song for the Day on the Pulse of New Morning

Poetry is like a song
A truth song that spreads itself into each corner of my spirit
That manages to find a just-right space in my heart to make it shine
Poetry is like a truth song

And with a truth song a poet can recognize a painful past and painful present
WHILE still hoping for a bright future
A future that centers healing
A future that is filled with promise, hope, understanding & inclusivity,
love & justice
(Love and justice most of all)

In re-listening to Auntie Maya’s heartwords by Bill Clinton words
and comparing them to Amanda’s firewords by Joe Biden
one thing I feel is:
hope is there, still there, will be there
I feel this even though I sometimes know better
I feel this even though each day I can find irrefutable examples to negate that very thought
To make my feelings feel false

Each day I make a choice to look and find something beautiful
I look for that hope, that belief
A belief in how people can change for the better
The hope of being all that we are able to be
The hope of being allowed to be

Even when the actions of some display exactly just
who we are
and always have been
(as no surprise to some)
Hope can imagine
rebuild who we are

So a child being born in this very second
the children born earlier today or yesterday or
the little souls that will be here by this time tomorrow
will have a better picture of what our world means and of how it is

And isn’t that what we want? 

To leave our world better than when we arrived?

Sometimes this feels    i  m  p  o  s  s  i  b  l  e

Poetry is like a song
And songs can pictures of a time

In 1993: we see people in love with a poem full of promises
People who smile and clap and imagine themselves to understand the words
YET know nothing of their role, their accountability in how to make that hope a dream fulfilled
In 2021: we see far fewer people but a blunt acknowledgement of the damage of four hundred years of inequality has caused in our world
that could be the shift us into the calm that comes after a dangerous storm
that could be the change our ancestors foretold
that could be
that could be
that could

And still

A belief
A want
To be and do better

And I wonder if the Presidential poem in 28 more years will be different


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