As Time Goes By

As time goes by
As years blend together
As people die
As love expands in different directions
As new friends kick down the doors into your life
As you age and see the new spaces that God and the universe offer to you
As separate days become one
As real friends are revealed to be so different from the people who pass you by in life
As you live moments that feel like they have happened before
(either on another day or in another life)
As music continually feeds your soul and you hold onto familiar notes that caress your mind and make your heart beat faster
As words that are said or read or heard fit into just the right place inside of your heart
As the sheer beauty of life catches you at just the right moment so that you lose your breath for one second but find your voice for a lifetime

there is stillness and change and prayers and love and blessings and growth and justice and more love and

There is always joy
even when

it is hard to find

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